Ham And Cheese Omelet With Price & Calories

ham and cheese omelet
7.30$ / Calories: 880

Nutritional Benefit

  • Protein: Protein is the best way to provide energy to the body through ham and cheese omelette.  Proteins consist of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body, further, they provide help in tissue repair, immune system, and enzyme production..
  • Calcium: Omelet has a good quantity of calcium. The body demands calcium for bone and teeth health. Calcium plays an essential role in the body. Most of the calciumisstored in teeth and bones to give sport and structure. It plays a major role in carrying messages from the body to the brain.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: A ham and cheese omelet is a good way to get minerals and vitamins. It consists of vitamin A, vitamin B12, phosphorus, calcium and many more. All these nutrients play a major role in the body’s regulation of body functions.
  • Healthy Fats: Healthy fats are also important for the body to absorb nutrients. Ham and cheese omelette consists of healthy fats, which prevent you from overeating and gaining more weight, and give you a satisfying meal.
  • Satiety: The combination of nutrients in the ham and cheese omelet keeps you feeling full for a long time. Your satisfaction with meals is more important. It also reduces overall calories and gives satisfying meals. 
  • Versatility: The ham and cheese omelet can be customized according to your preference and diet plan, with additional ingredients like vegetables and side options like toast, grits and hashbrowns giving you a satisfying meal with various nutrients.

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calories

  • Brisk walking: :  Around 100 minutes walks is enough to burn 880 calories from a ham and cheese omelet.
  • Jogging: Roughly 75 minutes.
  • Biking: Around 75 minutes is enough for biking.
  • Swimming: :  Around 85-minutes swimming. 
  • Dancing: Around 85 minutes
  • Strength training: Around 100 minutes is enough for strength training. 

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