All-Star Special

all star special
11.20$ / Calories: 1050

Nutritional Benefit

  • Protein: All-star special offers a variety of protein options like bacon, eggs and ham. You choose any option which you like most. Our body is made of protein. So protein is very important for our body to perform function properly.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: All-star Special consists of eggs which is the best source of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins play an essential role in our body.
  • Energy Source: TThe body requires much more energy to perform every function properly. The best energy fuels are carbohydrates, protein and fat. Carbohydrates from the toast and hashbrowns, and, fat and protein from eggs and meat collectively work as the best energy source throughout the day.
  • Satiety: After eating, if you feel hungry. It means your meal is not filled with your body’s energy requirements. But All-Star Special consists of all energy elements essential for your body and filling your body’s requirements.
  • Comfort Food: All-Star Special customize according to your choice. It’s a classic breakfast which offers comfort and satisfaction. Everything is perfect and well-cooked. Enjoy the best meal to start your day in your comfort zone
  • Customize Options: Waffle House offer a best option to customize your meal according to your taste, need and dietary requirement.    

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calories

  • If you prefer brisk walking, to burn off those calories you might need to walk around 2 hours (120 minutes).
  • It would help if you continued running around ½ hours (90 minutes).
  • If you like biking, you must prefer to cycle for around ½ hours (90 minutes).
  • If you are a swimming lover, approximately 100 minutes is required to burn these calories
  • Dancing around 100 minutes is enough to burn these calories on your favourite song.
  • If you are doing strength work like heavy box lifting or resisting work, you might need 2 hours (120 minutes) to burn 1050 calories.  

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