
Sirloin And Egg Breakfast

Sirloin  and egg Breakfast
10.30$/ Calories: 690

Nutritional Benefit

  • High-Quality Protein:  Sirloin and egg are the best sources of protein. Protein is a major part of our body.  It is very essential to perform every single work of the body like muscle building, tissue repair and overall body functions.
  • Iron: Iron is a mineral which provides help to the body’s growth and development. Because iron helps the body to make haemoglobin. Sirloin steak is the best source of iron which provides help in different body functions.
  • Vitamins and Minerals:  Vitamins and minerals are as important for the body as other nutrients. Eggs are the best source of minerals which play a vital role in overall body function.
  • Healthy Fats: Sirloin and egg are packed with healthy fat mainly consisting of Omega-3 fatty acids which perform a crucial role in our body. These fats support brain health, heart health and overall body function.
  • Balanced Nutrition:  A sirloin steak and egg are the best examples of balanced nutrition because it is provide all macronutrients and micronutrients which give you energy throughout the day.

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calories

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