Hashbrown All The Way

hashbrown all the way
5.70$ / Calories: 520

Nutritional Benefit

  • Carbohydrate: Hashbrown is mainly made of potatoes which are a big source of complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the major macronutrients that provide energy to the body. More than anything carbohydrates play a major role in the body regulating many functions. 
  • Fiber: Fiber is found in plants, but dietary fiber is the type of fiber which we can eat.  Fiber prevents overeating and controls cholesterol levels and weight management.  Potatoes also contain dietary fiber that provides help in digestion and maintains gut health.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: The body requires vitamins and minerals in minor quantities but this less quantity of vitamins and minerals is essential for the body to regulate many functions. Hashbrowns provide enough quantity of vitamins and minerals to support immune function, nerve function and bone health. 
  • Protein: We take protein from different sources because it is the best source to provide energy for the body. The body requires protein to gain energy and to take part in enzyme production, growth and development. In the case of hashbrowns, protein intake depends on the topping such as cheese, ham, bacon, and sausage.
  • Satiety: The combination of carbohydrates, fiber, and protein in the Hashbrown All The Way helps promote feelings of fullness and satisfaction. One of the best things about Waffle House is their versatility, you can enhance their nutritional value by adding ingredients (onion, bell paper, spinach or protein like chicken) according to your taste and diet plan. These customisation options enhance the nutritional value for everyone.   

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calorie

  • Brisk walking: Approximately 1 hour (60 minutes) to a walk is enough to burn off 520 calories.
  • Jogging: Around about 45 to 50 minutes to jog.
  • Biking: Roughly 45 to 50 minutes to biking is enough to burn off 520 calories.
  • Swimming: Approximately 50 to 55 minutes of swimming.
  • Dancing: Around about 50 to 55 minutes of dance.
  • Strength training: Approximately 60-65 minutes of exercise.

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