
regular hashbrown
2.85$ / Calories: 190

Nutritional Benefit

  • Carbohydrate: Hashbrowns are made of potatoes, which are the best source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide energy to the body. More than anything hashbrowns are an excellent choice to start a healthy day whether you are to work, hit the gym, or stay active, energy from the carbs is enough to sustain your energy level.  
  • Vitamins and Minerals: As you know hashbrowns are made of potatoes and are packed with vitamins and minerals like Vitamins C, Vitamins B6 and Potassium. Vitamins boost immune and skin health while minerals maintain electrolyte balance, heart health and muscle function.
  • Fiber: Fiber is found in plants, but dietary fiber is the type of fiber which we can eat. Fiber prevents overeating and controls cholesterol levels and sugar levels.  Potatoes also contain dietary fiber that helps the digestion system run smoothly and prevents constipation.
  • Low in fat: Hashbrowns have low fats because they are cooked with minimal oils or baked instead of fried. Hashbrowns are prepared to use a healthier oil like olive oil to enhance their nutritional value and avoid excessive butter or oil to make a healthier choice for everyone.
  • Versatility and customization: One of the best things about Waffle House is their versatility, you can enhance their nutritional value by adding ingredients (onion, bell paper, spinach or protein like chicken) according to your taste and diet plan. These customisation options enhance the nutritional value for everyone

Calorie chart

time spent burning calories

  • Running: Approximately 12 to 17 minutes of jogging or running at a moderate speed.
  • Brisk Walking: Around 20 to 25 minutes of brisk walking.
  • Cycling: Roughly 15 to 20 minutes of cycling at a normal intensity.
  • Dancing: About 17 to 22 minutes of energetic dance.
  • Swimming: Roughly 20 to 24 minutes of continuous swimming.
  • Strength Training: Around about 20 to 25 minutes of strength training exercises.

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