Fiesta Omelet

fiesta omelet
8.70$ / Calories: 910

Nutritional Benefit

  • Protein: Protein is a macronutrient that provides energy and plays an important role in the body in muscle repair, tissue building, enzyme production, etc. Fiesta omelet consists of ham, egg and cheese which are the best source of protein.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Fiesta omelet ingredients such as tomatoes, onion and jalapenos which are the best way to get minerals and vitamins. Ham, egg and cheese also contain vitamins and minerals. The body requires micronutrients as macronutrients to regulate body function. 
  • Healthy Fats:Healthy fats are a major need of the body because fats are important for brain function, cell function, hormone production, etc. Fiesta omelet ingredients such as eggs and cheese are the best way to get healthy fat. It consists of the omega-3 fatty acids which take part in regulating body function.
  • Fiber: Fiber is found in plants, but dietary fiber is the type of fiber which we can eat.  Fiber prevents overeating and controls cholesterol levels and weight management.  Fiesta omelet are a source of dietary fiber to regulate body function.
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidants are those molecules that help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, antioxidants are mostly found in plants. Fiesta omelet contain vegetables which provide antioxidants to the body to regulate oxidative stress, inflammation and risk of chronic disease. 
  • Moderate Caloric Content: The Fiesta omelet consists of 910 calories, but you can customize it according to your dietary plan. Fiesta omelet is the best choice for a diet-conscious person because this meal consists of all ingredients which balance your diet and weight management. It helps to sustain energy and prevent you from overeating the whole day.

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calories

  • Brisk walking: Around 105 minute walk is enough to burn off 910 calories.
  • Jogging: Around 80 minute jogging is enough.
  • Biking: Roughly 80 minutes biking.
  • Swimming: Approximately90 minutes swimming.
  • Dancing: Roughly 90 minutes dance.
  • Strength training: Around 105 minutes workout.

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