Egg Breakfast

Two egg Breakfast
5.95$ / Calories: 500

Nutritional Benefit

  • High-Quality Protein:  Protein provides energy to our body. Eggs are the best sources of protein, which have essential building blocks called amino acids. Amino acids work in tissue repair, muscle growth, hormone and enzyme production. 
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) collectively perform tasks in our body. Micro-nutrients do not provide energy as macro-nutrients but are essential as macro-nutrients. Vitamins and minerals perform work in bone health, immune function and overall body function.
  • Brain Health: Choline is a nutrient, which provides help in neurotransmitter synthesis, and memory boost and is also found in membranes. Choline is very important for our brain because it helps to regulate memory, muscles and mood. A good quantity of choline is present in eggs which boosts our brain health.       
  • Eye Health:  The two most important antioxidants (Lutein and Zeaxanthin) are present in eggs which prevent the human eye from the signs of aging, free radicals, ultraviolet rays and oxidative stress.
  • Weight Management: Eggs are a must in every diet plan by a dietitian because eggs have fewer calories but are high in protein and healthy fat. Protein and fat provide energy to the body and a feeling of fullness. Therefore we take energy but less no of calories.   
  • Versatility: Eggs are prepared according to your needs and dietary plans whether fried, scrambled, poached or boiled. This option increases the number of options for customers. You eat what you want according to your taste and preference.

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calories

  • Brisk Walking: Approximately 1 hour (60 minutes).
  • Jogging: Around 45 minutes.
  • Biking: Approximately 45 minutes.
  • Swimming: Approximately 50 minutes.
  • Dancing: Around 50 minutes.
  • Strength Training: Approximately 1 hour (60 minutes).

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