Cheese-Steak Omelet

cheese-steak omelet
Cheese-Steak Omelet / Calories: 950

Nutritional Benefit

  • Protein: The Cheese-Steak Omelet contains a generous amount of protein from the eggs and steak, which is essential for muscle repair and growth, as well as overall body function.
  • Calcium: If cheese is included in the omelet, it provides a good source of calcium, promoting bone health and strength.
  • Healthy Fats: Depending on the ingredients and cooking method, the Cheese-Steak Omelet may contain healthy fats from sources such as eggs and steak, which are important for brain health, hormone production, and nutrient absorption.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Eggs are rich in various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and selenium, which support overall health and various bodily functions.
  • Vegetable Nutrients: If the omelet includes vegetables such as peppers, onions, or mushrooms, it adds vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to the dish, promoting overall health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calories

  • Brisk walking: Around 110 minutes
  • Jogging: Approximately 85 minutes
  • Biking: Roughly 85 minutes
  • Swimming: About 95 minutes
  • Dancing: Around 95 minutes – Strength training: Approximately 110 minutes
  • These estimates are rough and can vary based on individual metabolism and exercise intensity. It’s essential to find activities you enjoy to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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