Cheese Omelet

Cheese Omelet
6.70$ / Calories: 820

Nutritional Benefit

  • Protein: Eggs are protein-rich ingredients that play an essential role in our body. Protein is the major body part and provides energy to the body. To make a good start to your day, macronutrients are essential to fuel the body. Protein takes part in building tissue, enzymes, and muscle growth.
  • Calcium: A good quantity of calcium is found in cheese, which provides strength to the body. Presences of calcium in our body make the bones and teeth strong.  Calcium from sports is a building block and also plays an important role in biological processes
  • Vitamins and Minerals:  All biological processes need macronutrients and micronutrients to actively perform tasks. Vitamins and minerals are as important as other nutrients.  Cheese omelette consists of different vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the body.
  • Energy: The body needs energy to perform any task, even to blink an eye. Major energy sources are carbohydrates, protein, and fats combined with other nutrients. Cheese omelet consists of all energy-providing nutrients.
  • Satiety: Any meal that satisfies your hunger prevents you from overeating but does not increase body weight or body fat. It means that the meal is good for you. A cheese omelet is one of the best options that satisfy your hunger.
  • Versatility: The right of customisation makes it a more satisfying meal for customers. They have the option to choose vegetables and meat according to their taste which adds many more nutrients to your meal. Customer satisfaction is essential for us.

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calories

  • Brisk walking: Near to me, an 80-95 minute walk is enough to burn off calories.
  • Jogging: Around 70 minutes is enough for jogging to burn off calories.
  • Biking: Approximately 70 minutes.
  • Swimming: Around 80 minutes of swimming is enough to burn calories.
  • Dancing: 80-minute dance to your favourite tune.
  • Strength training: 95 minutes of a workout is enough to burn 820 calories.

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