Bacon, Egg And Cheese Biscuit

Bacon Egg And Cheese Biscuit
2.85$ / Calories: 610

nutritional benefit

  • Protein: The bacon, egg and cheese from the biscuits provide a significant amount of protein which plays an essential role in muscle building, and tissue repairing and keeps you feeling full throughout the day.
  • Essential Nutrients:  A good quantity of vitamins and minerals are present in eggs. Eggs provide a lot of vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, B12 and selenium which are essential for immune function, bone health and metabolism. Bacon, eggs and cheese biscuits provide a lot of macro and micronutrients.
  • Calcium: Cheese from bacon, egg and cheese biscuits, is a great source of calcium.  This calcium is necessary for bone and teeth health, supporting nerve function and muscle contraction.
  • Satiety: All these ingredients in biscuits prevent you from over-eating and may help you intake less number of calories by keeping you feeling full for a longer period.
  • Energy: All macronutrients and micronutrients collectively provide energy to the body. Protein and carbohydrates from the biscuits and fat from the bacon and cheese provide significant energy to fuel your day.
  • Versatility: Waffle House serves a meal according to our customers. We consider your needs, diet plan and preferences first because you enjoy your meal in a comfortable environment. You customise your plate with vegetables, chicken and other things.

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calories

  • Brisk walking: Walking at normal speed may burn off 200 to 300 calories per hour. So, approximately two hours (120minutes) are enough to burn 610 calories
  • Jogging: Jogging at normal speed might burn off 600 to 700 calories per hour. Around about 45 to 55 minutes are enough.
  • Biking: You can burn 400 to 500 calories per hour, if you prefer cycling. Roughly 60 to 75 minutes are enough to burn 610 calories.
  • Swimming: The type of exercise (swimming) in which the overall body is engaged to do effort or workout, takes less time to burn off calories. Roughly 55 to 65 minutes are enough to burn off 610 calories.
  • Dancing: The type of exercise (dancing) in which the overall body is engaged to do workout takes less time to burn off calories. Around about 55 to 65 minutes.
  • Strength training: If you are engaged with strength training exercise, the minimum time required to burn off 610 calories. Roughly 75 to 85 minutes are enough to burn 610 calories.

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