Country Ham And Egg Breakfast

country ham and egg breakfast
11$ / Calories: 710

Nutritional Benefit

  • High-Quality Protein: Country ham and egg breakfast are good protein sources that come from eggs. Every single cell of our body needs protein to perform tasks. Protein provides energy to the body and is necessary for muscle repair, tissue building, bone health, etc.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: A good quantity of vitamins and minerals are present in eggs. Eggs consist of vitamins D, B12 and selenium which are essential for immune function, bone health and metabolism. Country ham and eggs provide a lot of macro and micronutrients.
  • Iron: Iron is essential for our body because it carries oxygen to every part of our body and provides help in the production of haemoglobin. For body growth and development, iron plays an essential role further help in bone health, immune function and bone marrow.
  • Low in Carbohydrates: Country ham and egg breakfast consist of low carbohydrates which is the best option for dietary-conscious people. Carbohydrate is the best source of energy. Our body does not depend on single nutrients to gain energy. If we choose low-carbohydrate food then we gain energy from other nutrients like fats, protein and lipids.
  • Healthy Fats: Healthy fats are present in country ham and egg breakfast. Especially, Omega-3 fatty acids present in fats, play a critical role in the immune system, brain function and inflammation reduction.  The major part of our energy depends on healthy fats.
  • No Added Sugars:  Country ham and egg breakfast is a good breakfast option for those who avoid sugar quantity because sugars are not present in the country ham and egg breakfast. For the diet-conscious, a country ham and egg breakfast is a great choice to start a day full of energy.

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calories