Chicken Melt Hashbrown Bowl with Price & Calories

Chicken Melt Hashbrown Bowl At Waffle House Mneu
9.30$ / Calories: 635

Feel special with a special hashbrown bowl at Waffle House, packed with flavor and nutrients. Try must Chicken Melt Hashbrown Bowl pocket-friendly costs 9.30 dollars. This big bowl of chicken melt hashbrowns consists of only 635 calories. It is the best choice for diet-conscious people. This bowl features large hashbrowns covered with two slices of melted American Cheese which give a creamy texture to the bowl, crispy hashbrowns make the base of the bowl. The grilled chicken from Springer Mountain Farms with grilled onion is famous for its juicy quality and protein pack elements which enhance the taste more, and the grilled onion adds a touch of sweetness. This hashbrown bowl is perfect for everyone but especially for those who found a balanced and full nutritious meal. Enjoy!

Nutritional Benefit

  • Protein: Our body needs nutrients to perform tasks properly. In which protein is a major nutrient, the body requires more. Grilled chicken provides a sufficient amount of protein to the body. Protein keeps full for a longer time of the day and prevents from over-eating,
  • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Grilled chicken consists of a nutrient like niacin, known for converting food into energy. While grilled onion consists of vitamin C, which provides help to the immune system, skin, and healing. Grilled onion also consists of antioxidants that protect from inflammation.
  • Low in Saturated Fat:  Grilled chicken is an ideal protein option, making the Chicken melt hashbrown bowl less saturated fat than other dinner options like bacon or sausage.
  • Balanced Macronutients: The combination of protein from chicken and carbohydrates from hashbrown gives a well-balanced macronutrient mix, allowing you to maintain energy levels and feel full for a long time of the day.
  • Versatile:  The Chicken melt hashbrown bowl can be modified with toppings such as cheese or vegetables, providing flexibility in nutrient intake and taste preferences.

Calorie Chart

Time Spent Burning Calorie

You can burn off the 635 calories from Chicken melt hashbrown bowl with different physical activities. Here’s an estimate of how long it may take to burn those calories based on various exercises:

  • Brisk Walking:  Brisk walking can help you burn calories consistently. It may take about 70 to 90 minutes of brisk walking to burn off 635 calories.
  • Running:  Jogging or running at a normal speed will help you burn more calories. Running for 45 to 60 minutes could help you burn off the calories from dinner.
  • Cycling:  Riding a bike is an excellent method to burn calories while enjoying nature. Cycling for 40 to 50 minutes at a normal speed may help you burn off the calories.
  • Swimming:  Swimming is a total-body exercise that can burn a lot of calories. It may take 55 to 65 minutes of non-stop swimming to burn off the calories.
  • Group Fitness Class:  Attending a high-intensity group workout class, such as HIIT or aerobics, might help you burn calories quickly. A 60-minute group fitness class could help you burn off the calories.

Calories Breakdown

  • Protein: 30%
  • Fats: 45%
  • Carbohydrate: 25%

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