Biscuit And Gravy

biscuit and gravy
2.85$ / Calories: 470

Nutritional Benefit

  • Carbohydrates:  The primary source of energy is carbohydrates that we gain from our meals. Biscuits from biscuits and gravy provide carbohydrates to sustain the body’s energy level.
  • Protein:  The sausage gravy in the Biscuit and Gravy breakfast option contains protein. That is necessary for muscle repair and growth. Protein also plays an important part in the production of enzymes and hormones, which maintain overall body function.
  • Calcium:  The gravy may also contain dairy products, such as milk or cream, which provide calcium. Calcium is essential for bone health and strength, as well as muscle function and nerve transmission.
  • Vitamin B:  The body needs vitamins and minerals to help the body function, gravy consists of calcium from milk and sausage provides iron and vitamin B. All nutrients help to bone and teeth health, oxygen-carrying, and metabolism.
  • Dietary Fat: The body requires energy to walk, perform tasks and even blink eyes. For long-lasting energy sustainability, we select fat-containing meals because fats maintain energy levels throughout the day. Biscuits and gravy contain dietary fats to protect our organs and provide energy.
  • Customisable Add-Ons: The Loved One Waffle House allow customers to customise plates according to their tastes and dietary plans with different ingredients like vegetables and protein options. This choice to customise the plate enhances the nutritional value according to your taste and needs.

Calorie Chart

Time spent burning calorie

  • Brisk Walking:  Approximately 55-65 minutes of brisk walking.
  • Running:  Around 30-40 minutes of jogging or running at a moderate pace.
  • Cycling:  Roughly 35-45 minutes of cycling at a moderate intensity.
  • Swimming: About 40-50 minutes of continuous swimming.
  • Dancing: Around 40-50 minutes of energetic dancing.
  • Strength Training:  Approximately 55-65 minutes of strength training exercises.

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